10 Feb 2023
He Has Done All Things Well
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For 10 February 2023, Friday of week 5 in Ordinary Time, based on Mark 7:31-37
Jesus returned from the region of Tyre, and went by way of Sidon towards the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis. They brought to him a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech; and they begged him to lay his hand on him. He took him aside in private, away from the crowd, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat and touched his tongue. Then looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, ‘Ephphatha’, that is, ‘Be opened.’ And immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus ordered them to tell no one; but the more he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it. They were astounded beyond measure, saying, ‘He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.’
Scripture passage from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright 1989, 1993, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
10 February 2023 @ 2:38 pm
So grateful, Mary Ellen for your preaching of Jesus’s Divine Mercy and yes I can remember in detail during a retreat a similar experience of God’s healing and mercy. Blessings on your continued ministry of preaching the Good News to your elderly sisters and being uplifted by their response as the man in the gospel was today. All is Gift!
Lovingly your sister,
11 February 2023 @ 5:13 am
Mary Ellen,
As I listened to your invitation to be open to Christ’s grace which leads us to hear and speak His message in every interaction, I was reminded of the way you listened to my sharing during the Lands of Dominic Tour in 1996 and recommended me to be part of the Parable Board. My time on the board was such an enriching experience. Thanks for making that suggestion. Peace, Diane